What You Need To Do After A Car Accident To Protect Your Legal Rights

What You Need To Do After A Car Accident To Protect Your Legal Rights
What You Need To Do After A Car Accident To Protect Your Legal Rights

Road safety is something we all hope for but, sometimes accidents happen. Due to the shock and panic associated with car crash impact and wreckage, individuals react differently.

This can impact the outcome of your compensation claim negatively or positively. This piece highlights what to do to ensure you protect your rights and do not fall into the pitfalls of dismissed claims after a car accident.

Ensure Your Safety

After you’ve just been involved in an accident, it is necessary to make sure you and your passengers are okay. If you plus the vehicle can move, pull it to the roadside to avoid further accidents.

Next, if one of you is injured, you should call the emergency line for medical attention immediately. Even if you do not look or feel injured, you should always see a doctor because some effects are not physically visible on the spot.

This also helps when you are laying your claim because the reports from the medical practitioner will be needed.

Contact An Accident Lawyer

Following up on an insurance claim can be a lengthy process and sometimes complicated. That is why you need an experienced car accident lawyer. The attorney can assess the circumstances surrounding the accident and choose a proper course of action. They are also aware of the legal terminologies used, so they will be able to decipher any information that could have been misleading.

Experienced accident injury attorneys deeply understand the processes and procedures used by insurance companies. They are also conversant with tactics used by some carriers to try and minimize or deny accident compensation claims.

As the folks at KerleySchaffer.com put it, disputes can be resolved without a fight. This means negotiating with the defendant or the insurance company in question to arrive at a favorable agreement. A good accident lawyer will put your best interest first, meaning they will not accept a settlement that is not fair or favorable to you.

Besides, in case the claim goes to trial, you are assured of good representation. Remember, your attorney of choice should be highly skilled, reputable, and with a good track record of winning these cases.

Gather Evidence 

Before any settlement is made, there should be enough proof. Therefore, try collecting the specific details. You can take pictures showing both cars and the road condition. It is also wise to record video evidence of yourself explaining the events from your point of view. This will come in handy if the process takes a long time since the video will refresh your memory of the event particulars.

If there are witnesses in the scene, you should reach out to them. Ask them for their names and contact numbers. These will be necessary if your claim takes a turn for the worst and goes to court. Without these, it could be hard to track them down.

Call The Police

No matter how minor the accident appears in your eyes, notifying the authorities is essential. Most people skip this step when they feel they can solve the issue between themselves. This should never be your course of action. Despite having your testimonies, some people are cunning and may try to lay the blame on you. However, this can be hard to do if there are police reports to back up your case. 

Therefore, the involvement of the police means you get an official recorded statement. It is also vital to review the police report first and request correction if there are inconsistencies. This is because police are human, so they may omit key details.

Avoid Confessions And Settlements

Some people have failed to get what they deserve because of the words they used after an accident. Admittance of being at fault can implicate you. Remember, after an accident, you are not thinking clearly, and you may feel like you are to blame when it is otherwise.

This can affect your chances of getting compensated by the other driver’s collision coverage insurance in case they were at fault for the crash. By law, you have the right to remain silent when implicating questions are asked. However, this does not mean you give the police a false statement.

It is also wise to avoid any quick settlement offered to you by the other driver or their insurance companies. If their driver was at fault, insurance companies opt for fast solutions. This is to avoid dragging the case into court.

If you are not a legal expert, the terms used can be intimidating and also binding. This can lead to accepting a settlement that is way beneath the losses you experienced. It is better to wait and receive reasonable compensation than to settle and suffer consequences later.

A vehicle accident can have a huge negative impact on your life as a victim. From injuries to pain, suffering, medical costs, and vehicle damage, you deserve compensation from the at-fault party to get back to your life. The above guidelines will place you at better odds of having successful compensation.

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