Behavioral scientists and productivity experts will tell you that the environment in which you work has a significant impact on your work performance and your overall state of mind.
Even the small things such as the amount of space you have on your desk, the number of windows you have in your office, the ambient temperature, and even the number of people you are sharing the space with, all have an impact on your workflow.
The way your workspace is organized and how well it is kept has a big impact on your efficiency. Whether you are working on your own on your business from a home office, or you are part of a large company, being more productive is in your best interest.
Though, it’s important to note that working longer hours doesn’t mean you are getting more done. Especially in the 21st century, it’s not just about hard work, it’s about smart work.
Though it is important to be updated with the latest trends and to know what’s happening in your industry, it is also extremely important to have a workspace that is well organized and peaceful. Here are some of the best things you can do to ensure your office is in the best physical condition it can be, and a few tips to help you keep it that way.
1. Devices
Even if you aren’t a full-time developer or graphic artist, chances are you still use computers and other devices in the office for both work and personal use. We often don’t realize, but these devices can be home to a lot of filth.
You might find it hard to believe, but a keyboard can actually have more bacteria than what you would find on a toilet seat. Similarly, phone screens and tablets that also get used a lot can have a lot of bacteria, even if they appear to be clean to the naked eye. Moreover, extensive dust buildup in desktops and laptop devices can cause them to overheat and underperform. Keeping your devices clean is important for hygiene and device performance.
2. Air Quality
We often worry about the air quality in our cities and how manufacturing processes are ruining the environment. It’s important to note that the air quality in offices and other confined spaces can be even lower than in the open environment, as there isn’t enough ventilation, and we use plenty of harmful aerosols in our offices and homes.
Rather than relying on aerosol-based air fresheners, the team at glenn-group.co.uk suggests that people should invest in indoor plants or electronic air purifiers to keep their environments clean. Better air quality can have a significant impact on mental performance and is extremely important when you think of it in the long run. We spend the majority of our time indoors, so whether it is for work or for your home, definitely invest in solutions that will improve air quality.
3. Organize
Even though we work predominantly on computers and other digital technology, which has significantly reduced the amount of paper that we use, there is still a lot of paperwork and a lot of office equipment that needs to be organized.
Whether you are sorting out documents or developing a new office layout, having good organization has a tremendous impact on human psychology, and it affects how people perform at a biological level. It also makes space a lot more visually appealing and helps in keeping things clean later on. A badly organized space has a bad image on people who visit, and even though it looks organized to you, it’s not always ideal when you have more than one person sharing a space.
4. Keep Food Out
Eating a sandwich might seem like a harmless activity, but a sandwich soon turns into coffee at the work table, and slowly everyone is dining where they work. Food scraps and other waste like wrappers, cutlery, and disposal plates create a different kind of a mess. They make the place smell, they attract flies, and it’s always a hazard that you will spill your drinks onto paperwork or electronics. The best solution is to keep food out of the workspace and have a dedicated dining table or kitchen area.
No matter what line of work you are in or where your office is located, it needs to be clean, and it needs to be well-kept. If you can organize your office well, it makes it a lot easier to manage, and it’s a lot easier to keep it in good condition rather than having to completely overhaul a messy workspace. Moreover, you need to keep it clean, get a cleaning service or an in-house professional who can help with keeping things clean and organized if you can’t do it yourself.