East Riding Libraries Make Changes As Restrictions Are Eased

East Riding Libraries Make Changes As Restrictions Are Eased
East Riding Libraries Make Changes As Restrictions Are Eased

East Riding Libraries and Customer Services are pleased to adapt some of the safety measures previously put in place, opening spaces for wider usage from Monday, 19 July.

Whilst many restrictions have been lifted, the council strongly recommends that customers wear a face covering (unless exempt) to keep themselves and others safe.

If you wish to continue doing this, the council will support and encourage you. Staff may also continue to wear face coverings.

Previously some computers in libraries had been unavailable, to allow for social distancing, more computers will now be available.  They can be booked online using a library card and pin.

Use of the computers is free, and it is also free to join the library if you are not currently a member.

Some library sites are re-instating social groups over the summer, and most libraries will have a social activity programme starting in September. These include book groups, bounce and rhyme sessions for pre-school children and carers, Knit and Natter groups, and Reminiscence sessions.

Books at East Riding libraries will no longer be quarantined upon return, meaning they will be taken off your library account at the time of return.

Staff will continue to keep a high level of hygiene and keep the stock clean. Fines continue to be suspended until the autumn when they will be reviewed again.

Customers are still very welcome to continue using the order and collect service, however, a member of staff will no longer be on the door in libraries, so books can be collected from the reservations shelves inside the library. On mobile libraries, ordered books can still be collected from the door due to space constraints.

If any customers are apprehensive about coming back into the libraries, the council encourages them to get in touch with their closest library to discuss further.

Customer services delivery at our joint Library and Customer Services sites will continue to operate with the usual appointment system.

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