£5m Extra Funding To Support East Riding Projects In Wake Of Coronavirus

£5m Extra Funding To Support East Riding Projects In Wake Of Coronavirus
£5m Extra Funding To Support East Riding Projects In Wake Of Coronavirus

A total of £5m in extra funding is to be spent on council projects to benefit residents in the East Riding, in the wake of the coronavirus.

The cash comes from East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s General Fund Reserve, money that came from some savings it made during last year’s budget.

The majority of the reserve was used during the Covid crisis, but £5m of the remaining will now go towards investment into a wide variety of projects.

The new awards will include further support for communities and businesses to help them recover from the pandemic, the council’s work against climate change and improving the area’s open spaces.

The use of the funding was approved by the council’s Cabinet earlier this month.

Funding will include a further£1.1m going to support the community’s recovery from Covid-19. The iCare Project will receive £1.4m.

While the council’s Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Plan will receive £1m to support its improvement project. And finally, £500,000 will go towards refurbishing the area’s parks and playgrounds.

Cllr Jonathan Owen, leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “This money from the council’s General Fund Reserve will be used to benefit a great number of people, places and projects throughout the East Riding.

“I’m extremely pleased that now we are recovering from this awful epidemic, we can put these funds to good use to support residents and schemes that will improve the East Riding and move the area forward.”

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