7 Easy Computer Tricks That’ll Make Your Everyday Work Easier

7 Easy Computer Tricks That'll Make Your Everyday Work Easier
7 Easy Computer Tricks That’ll Make Your Everyday Work Easier

Getting all the required tasks done throughout the workday can get very tiring. If you have a demanding job, it might feel impossible to finish all your work by the end of the day. Computers have become an integral part of any job; very little gets done by hand nowadays.

Although computers are designed to boost productivity and refine work procedures, a lot goes into figuring them out. Computers surely do save plenty of time and effort.

However, there will be times where you’ll find yourself reaping for ways in which you can make better use of your device, utilizing it more efficiently. Luckily, we are here to tell you 7 easy computer tricks that will make your everyday work tasks easier.

  • Useful Home Screen

Homescreens, for many people, are all about the aesthetic. The majority of people think of them as a way to decorate their computer, searching the web for endless pretty options. However, one way to make better use of your device is by applying a useful lock screen. We all barely have the time to check the clock, weather, or other infographics throughout the workday.

Though this type of data may seem trivial, you need to know the time to stay on top of the deadlines and check the weather forecasts in case of external meetings, and so on. Searching the web for unique retro clock displays or real-time forecast desktop options can be a great idea.

  • Desktop Cleansing

For most of us, the desktop becomes a computer storage area. Much like your junk drawer or that one chair in your bedroom, it turns into a space to hold all the things you think you may need to use later.

From downloaded files to random images and screenshots, your desktop may easily become overly crowded. When you overcrowd your desktop, your laptop processes actions much slower. Deleting all the files you don’t need and organizing the remaining ones, at least once a month, can help you drastically. You should also consider finding a desktop wallpaper organizer. When your desktop is organized, you won’t struggle to find important documents.

  • Clipboard Manager

Clipboard managers are programs that can help drastically improve your computer’s functionality. Regardless of the industry, you work in, your workflow will be much lighter and save a great amount of time. They are among the most useful programs you can have on your device. These apps can help you copy multiple items at once to your clipboard, synchronize your files to the cloud, perform translations to your desired language, and bring out texts from images. With this multifunction tool, you’ll be able to perform your job more efficiently.

  • Shortcuts

Though most of us use computers almost daily, the chances are that you don’t make the best use of your computer’s keyboard shortcuts. Besides the famous ctrl+c and ctrl+v, your keyboard can carry out more tasks than you can imagine. You can lock your computer, highlight entire rows, move your cursor all the way down to the end of a document, print files, and more, all through your keys. There’s no need to hover your mouse around to keep performing your actions repetitively.

  • Better Browsing

Whether you’re working or using the Internet at your own discretion, there are better ways to make use of your time on the web. Check out the different tab extensions that the Internet has to offer; you will surely find something that suits your needs. There are translation tools, reminders, notepads, quick tab access, note-taking tools, and countless more extensions available for use.

  • Instant Messaging

Getting back to important personal texts and work-related emails can be very overwhelming. Consider downloading a desktop messaging application where you can log in from various accounts. This way, you will not waste much time on your phone, while ensuring speedy text replies. All you’ll have to do is switch from your personal to your work account, with all your messages available on one platform.

  • Battery Saving

If you work with a laptop, you may have the option to get your work done at your preferred location. Whether you want to work from the cafeteria or a co-working space, moving with your charger around and looking for an electrical outlet can be quite the hassle. Though, the last thing that you want is a dying laptop and unsaved work. Search the web for battery-saving tips that can help you preserve your computer’s battery. You can also explore your computer’s battery-saving settings for maximum output.

Several work tasks can be dreadful to complete especially when repetitive tasks and a declining battery are involved. While electronic devices were created to help us out, no one has the time to explore and experiment with all the options that their computer has to offer. Luckily, we have here the 7 easy tips that can help make your computer-related procedures much easier and quicker.

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