To celebrate the national events of Heritage Open Days, the Treasure House in Beverley will be open for visitors to discover the deliciousness of the collections and artworks to illustrate this year’s theme of Edible England.
On Saturday, 11 September, face to face tours around the Treasure House will be available for pre-booked visitors at 10.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm, to give a taste of the fascinating foody stories served up in the collections, presenting the edible in the East Riding’s heritage!
The tour’s ingredients will include a visit to the East Riding Archives Conservation Workshop to hear about the culinary related tools, techniques and materials used to care for the historic collections.
There’ll be an informative peek at original recipe documents from down the centuries in the Archives Research Room, plus time in the Treasure House Museum to learn how the Land Army girls in the East Riding helped to keep the nation fed during the Second World War. Finally, a trip into Beverley Art Gallery for a big taste of the delicious artworks on display.
Tours are free and last approximately one hour. Booking in advance is essential as places are limited. They are suitable for adults, and older children are welcome, too. For more information and booking, visit: www.eastridinglma.co.uk/heritage-open-days/
There will be a showcase display called Tastes of England in East Riding Archives, to highlight tastes from the past with historical recipes from the 1500s up to the Victorian period. Each recipe is transcribed, so it can be recreated by people at home.
For families, there will be Children’s Trails for under 5s and older children available from Friday, 10 September to Saturday, 18 September, a chance to come and hunt for ingredients for some of the historical recipes in the Treasure House collections. Collect a free trail sheet from the Museums Attendants in Beverley Art Gallery.
In Beverley Library, a display area will tempt visitors with mouth-watering reads around the theme of Edible England, to dig a bit deeper into foody fact and fiction!
All this and more, including tour booking information, can be found on the dedicated webpage at www.eastridinglma.co.uk/heritage-open-days/