East Riding Youth Dance is Back For 2021 And Recruiting New Members

East Riding Youth Dance is Back For 2021 And Recruiting New Members
East Riding Youth Dance is Back For 2021 And Recruiting New Members

East Riding Youth Dance is happy to announce its return for an autumn term, running from October 2021 to February 2022.

This exciting and inspiring community dance programme takes place in the East Riding for young people aged 9 – 18, in Bridlington, Beverley, Pocklington, Leven and Withernsea.

The autumn term will run for 12 weeks, allowing participants to work closely with professional dance artists, providing a platform for those with little or no previous background in dance to have a fun, energetic and engaging experience.

Participants can try a range of dance styles, including contemporary and street dance, whilst developing their creative technique and dance skills.

Project Coordinator and Artistic Director, Dawn Holgate said, “We look forward to welcoming participants to face to face dance sessions for a term of fun and engaging dance activity. Now’s a great time to get fit, explore your creativity and build skills and confidence; come give us a try!”

A highlight of the programme is the annual Platform event, held at Bridlington Spa in February, where participants can showcase their development across the sessions and their contribution to the group’s original dance piece.

The East Riding Youth Dance’s flagship group, County Company, is also recruiting new members. Company members have the amazing opportunity to work with world-class dance companies and dance practitioners to create original work.

Auditions to join the County Company are being held on 3rd October at Anlaby Studios, Wilson Street, Anlaby HU10 7AN.  We are looking for young talented dancers who want to develop their dance skills to new and exciting levels.

“County Company offers great training and dance experience for the dancers.  We get vast exposure to different choreographers and teachers as well as to different dance styles, which aids every dancer.  It’s also great fun! Especially with the filming and frequent performances”. So said Maddie, an East Riding Youth Dance County Company Member in 2021.

Further information on the artists, sessions, County Company applications and how to book session places can be found at www.eryd.co.uk

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