Beverley St Mary’s councillor, David Boynton has acted swiftly following the encampment of travellers on School Lane car park in Beverley.
Cllr Boynton said:
“On Wednesday morning Environmental Control Officers at the council served an informal Notice to Quit on all Travellers in the caravans at the School Lane car park.”
“This requires them to vacate the land within 24 hours. There are approximately 7 caravans and associated vehicles at present.”
“If they are still in situ on Thursday morning, the council’s Legal Services department will start formal legal proceedings by way of a Direction Notice. The Travellers have informed us they intend to start moving off the car park by tomorrow at the latest.”
“A welfare assessment has been carried out by the council’s Gypsy Liaison Officer, he informs us there are no welfare issues that would prevent the Traveller from being moved on.”
“As a ward councillor for the area, I will obviously be monitoring this situation very closely.”