Messerschmitt bf 109e : Completing A Build That Was Started 49 Years Earlier

Messerschmitt bf 109e : Completing A Build That Was Started 49 Years Earlier
Messerschmitt bf 109e : Completing A Build That Was Started 49 Years Earlier

This Airfix kit was given kindly to me. It is a 1/24 Messerschmitt bf 109e which was partly made by a chap called George Bogg. We think the model was started in 1973 by George. 

It took a while to clean it up, take it apart before putting back together. Sadly, while George put in motors  I was unable to make them work.  He had also put a lot of effort into detailing the model making many modifications to the original kit.

Where possible these were kept, but given the age and time in storage, quite a few had to be redone. Some of the parts were also missing while new decals needed to be sourced to finish the build.

The markings used are for Gerhard Schöpfel. He was a German Luftwaffe ‘Ace’ credited with 45 aerial victories claimed in approximately 700 combat missions, all of which were on the Western Front.

Overall this was a huge challenge. At times it was very frustrating trying to get things to bond to one another. As the plastic was quite old for some reason it the cement used seemed at times to struggle.

To make some of the joins and fill the gaps Spru Goo was used. By using Spru Goo much of the profile of the plane was able to be sanded back to the profile shape.

Had it not been for its history I think I would have quit on this and not persevered.

Messerschmitt Build Was A Real Challenge

While you can still purchase this model for around £50 online it was never a model that was on my radar. When this was kindly donated to me there was a feeling it may be too far gone to rescue.

However, after spending some time cleaning the parts and sourcing new decals the challenge was on. Completing other modellers started projects can be testing. The first goal, therefore, was to get the model to a stage where control has been taken of the build.

 After this things were much more straightforward. Painting this large scale model was fun. Tamiya paints were used with some simple washes added after for effects. 

While it is by no means perfect, it is finally finished some 49 years after it was started.

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