Unity in Community is offering free craft, fitness and wellbeing classes from September to December 2021.
Ranging from Boxercise to Christmas crafts this is an opportunity to try something new, meet other people, practice self-care, or get creative.
Working alongside NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group, Hull City Council and Connect Well, Unity in Community is providing a range of activities and events free for all Hull residents including local estates, Orchard Park and North Hull.
This is part of the NHS Social Prescribing initiative which takes a holistic approach to help patients by linking them with community-led projects and organisations. This initiative supports a wide range of people including those with mental health conditions, those who feel lonely or isolated, as well as those with complex social needs.
Social Prescribing is being described as a lifeline to the NHS, Dennis Woods, General Manager at Unity in Community, explains:
“The NHS is under immense strain, therefore the use of social prescription complements GP services and referrals to other health specialists. As a result of the pandemic, it looks to become far more widespread.
“As a community hub, we already have excellent relationships with local people and families who have been attending our services for more than 25 years. However, many people have been afraid to come back out into the community due to fears about Covid-19.
Understandably, during the pandemic, we have seen a large proportion of residents who’ve become too frightened to come outside. People who were sociable pre-pandemic have become isolated and those who were already isolated have become hard to reach.
“We have worked with local fitness instructors and craft designers to put a varied programme together and we invite everyone to come along and give something new a go.”
Kim Hayman, Project Officer, is helping to deliver the fitness events:
“Our fitness classes are a fun way to stay healthy, take your mind off things and meet new people. These include Aerobics, Boxercise, HIIT, Legs, Bums & Tums, Mindfulness, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba and more.
“Anyone in Hull can book a place by calling us on 01482 852292 or pop in to see us at Unity in Community, 501 Endike Lane.
“Alternatively, please talk to your GP who can put you in touch with a link worker who will dedicate time to focus on what matters to you. Social Prescribing is a fantastic way of helping people feel better and we’re really pleased to be a part of it.”
All classes will be at Unity in Community, 501 Endike Lane, HU6 8AQ.
The class timetable for September, October, November and December can be found via social media www.facebook.com/UICHU6.