Humberside Police Support Tackling Knife-Crime Week

Humberside Police Support Tackling Knife-Crime Week
Humberside Police Support Tackling Knife-Crime Week

Humberside Police are supporting the national campaign to tackle knife crime – Operation Sceptre.

During this week, from 15 November and 21 November, there will be a surrender for bladed weapons and offensive weapons to be handed into police stations force-wide.

Following new legislation, brought in on 14 July 2021, it is also now illegal to own certain items including knuckle dusters, zombie knives and throwing stars – even within a private dwelling.

Knife bins will be placed outside of the following stations: Goole, Bridlington, Grimsby, Barton, Pocklington, Clough Road, Osborne Street, Beverley, and Scunthorpe.

Inspector John Roberts, who is leading Op Sceptre at Humberside Police, said: “Op Sceptre aims to reduce the number of people carrying weapons, especially young people.

“Knife crime presents very real and prevalent dangers and places other people in danger of serious harm.

“We will be providing knife bins throughout the week in a number of police stations across the force, where members of the public can anonymously and safely hand in weapons to remove these from our streets.

“Our officers will be conducting weapon sweeps throughout our Force area, with proactive patrols attending local places of education to speak to young people about the dangers of carrying knives.

“Our message to those who carry a knife – or those who are thinking of carrying a knife – this does not protect you. It makes you more vulnerable and places you in danger of serious harm.

“For our local community, we do not have an escalating knife problem in our area but it is vital to raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime.”

This week is to run from Monday 15 November and Sunday 21 November.

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