Launch Of Giving Page To Help Protect Hull’s Maritime Past

Launch Of Giving Page To Help Protect Hull’s Maritime Past
Launch Of Giving Page To Help Protect Hull’s Maritime Past

Supporting Hull’s major regeneration project to preserve the city’s rich maritime heritage has never been easier.

The Hull Maritime Foundation, an independent charity dedicated to supporting the ambitious plans to celebrate 800 years of maritime history, now has a giving page to which supporters of the project can directly make donations.

The £30.3m Hull Maritime project has a £2.6m funding shortfall, and to date, more than £1m has been raised through successful grant applications, donations and acts of kindness.

Lord Haskins, Chairman of Hull Maritime Foundation, said:

“Support for the charity and the project has been remarkable to date and we wanted to make it even easier for people to show their support.

“This giving page will enable people to donate, and every penny goes to the c

harity. We are grateful for every penny received. It will make a huge difference and you can play your own part in conserving Hull’s maritime heritage and bring it to life for everyone to celebrate.”

Success would see the Hull Maritime project, funded by Hull City Council and The National Lottery Heritage Fund, deliver exciting changes at the Grade II* Hull Maritime Museum, Dock Office Chambers, the North End Shipyard and two historic vessels, the Arctic Corsair and Spurn Lightship.

If you would like to support the Hull Maritime Foundation, you can donate online by clicking here

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