Wombles of Beverley Offering Two Years Free Membership

Wombles of Beverley Offering Two Years Free Membership
Wombles of Beverley Offering Two Years Free Membership

The Wombles of Beverley has reached a huge milestone with those involved with the group saying they are delighted to launch its inaugural membership scheme.

The scheme, accessed via the Wombles website, is available to everyone in Beverley and the surrounding villages who has an interest in litter picking.

Paul Coe, Chairman of the group, said;

“This is a really important next step for The Wombles of Beverley.”

“We already have over 1500 facebook followers and by creating a membership scheme we can connect and engage with residents in a much better way, meet the needs of our group pick insurance and demonstrate to potential funders the commitment of our group.”

Zoe Green, the Wombles new membership coordinator, said;

“As a result of the number of donations and grants received this year there is no charge for the membership.”

“Anyone signing up now will receive 2 years free membership and access to equipment and resources.”

For further information on the group and to sign up as a member visit www.thewomblesofbeverley.co.uk 

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