Beverley Men’s Darts League Not Only Recovers But Strengthens

Beverley Men’s Darts League Not Only Recovers But Strengthens
Beverley Men’s Darts League Not Only Recovers But Strengthens

After having to suspend the Darts league when the covid pandemic hit us all and then being forced to abandon the season that was in progress, it was with trepidation that the league was relaunched our league in September 2021.

However, with the support of pub landlords and players alike those behind the league have been able to run a very successful season with players returning to enjoy their Monday and Tuesday nights out.  

It has not been an easy season to run with various games being forced to be postponed due to venues being unavailable or lack of players due to isolation rules, but the majority of games have gone ahead and those missed are being re-arranged.

Chairman, Phil Stebbens,  Secretary Jeremy Jeffery, and the league committee have worked hard to try and react to the challenges of relaunching the league and pay tribute to the players, team captains and hosting landlords for their support.

In a statement they said;

“We knew it would be a challenging season and that we would have to adapt and be flexible to circumstances which were beyond anyone’s control, but all teams have been understanding and we have managed to complete 95% of matches scheduled, with the rest being re-arranged for future dates.”

“Now we are inviting entries for the new season which will commence during March 2022.”

If any venue would like to enter a team then please contact our Chairman Phil Stebbens at or our Secretary, 

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