Humberside Police are issuing advice to local residents as a result of a number of recent burglaries which have led to the theft of a car from outside the properties.
The burglaries have occurred at houses across Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire over the past few weeks.
Detective Sergeant Andy Bradley said:
“In recent weeks we have had a number of cars stolen after the keys have been taken in house burglaries.
“In many cases, the only thing to have been stolen from inside the property are the car keys, which are then used to steal the cars from outside the premises.
“Many burglaries happen between midnight and 4am when most car and homeowners are sound asleep in bed, but there are steps that you can take to protect your property.
“Keep your car safe and secure ideally in a locked and alarmed garage. We would also recommend installing good quality CCTV and security lighting to your property as a deterrent to opportunistic burglars.
“Always keep keys out of view of windows and ensure your doors and windows remains closed and locked when not in use.
“If you see anything suspicious at all, anybody looking as though they are ‘scoping’ a property or a vehicle out, or anything out of the ordinary where you live please contact us.
“As always if you have any information about these crimes, call us on our non-emergency 101 line, or 999 if you see a crime in progress, or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”