Road Improvements Worth In Dunswell Get Underway

Road Improvements Worth In Dunswell Get Underway
Road Improvements Worth In Dunswell Get Underway

A road improvement scheme near the village of Dunswell, near Hull, has started this week.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is investing £450,000 in a project to carry out vital resurfacing work along Dunswell Lane, Dunswell.

The works are expected to take five weeks to complete, weather permitting, and will be carried out on weekdays between 8am and 5pm.

Due to its narrow width, the road will be closed to through-traffic for the duration of the works for the safety of both road users and the workers on site.

A signed diversion will be in place via A1174 Beverley Road, A1079 Beverley Road, Greenwood Avenue, Endyke Lane, New Village Road and Dunswell Road.

Access will be maintained for residents, business owners, postal, refuse and emergency services.

The work will be carried out by council contractor C R Reynolds Ltd.

The project is part of the council’s £12m capital programme of road maintenance works.

Cllr Chris Matthews, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and climate change said: “We expect this scheme to cause delays but I want to thank the area’s residents and business owners for their patience while this work is carried out.

“The work is vital to improve the surface of this road and strengthen it for years to come.”

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