The East Riding Housing Needs Survey Now Live

The East Riding Housing Needs Survey Now Live
The East Riding Housing Needs Survey Now Live

A chance to tell East Riding of Yorkshire Council about your current home and what the future need for housing might be in your household.

The council say that the views of residents in the East Riding are important and the information provided will help them to build a comprehensive picture of the need for homes in our area and help us to ensure we meet the needs of our diverse communities.

In a statement issued the East Riding of Yorkshire Council said;

“The East Riding Housing Needs Survey will allow us to capture a high quality and realistic view of the pressures which our residents might be facing in relation to housing – either for themselves or members of their household.”

“You may have concerns about whether you would be able to afford a new home or you may live in a home that’s too large or small for your needs. It may be that you have a family member who wants to move out and start living by themselves but hasn’t yet been able to do so. Equally, you may be happy in your current home but we would still like to hear from you.”

“The information we gather from this survey will feed into a project which will allow the Council to establish the level of housing need in our area as well as what type of need there is.”

“The evidence will support policies to be set out in the East Riding Local Plan which is currently being updated and will provide valuable evidence when planning applications are reviewed with reference to the type, tenure and general mix of a housing development.”

“Responses will be anonymous, but we do ask for data about where you currently live to help us to see where the need for homes is. The survey will be open until 22 April 2022.”

The survey can be accessed by the weblink

The time taken will depend on your individual household circumstances, but we suggest the average will be 7 – 10 minutes.

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