The UK’s leading safety company, Arco, will sponsor this year’s conference of the East Riding Village Halls Network on Friday 13 May at Holme-on-Spalding-Moor Village Hall.
This event marks the first in-person conference for E.R.V.H.N since the Covid-19 pandemic and will cover a variety of topics about ‘keeping safe’, such as food safety, working at heights, play areas and safety essentials, and combating social isolation.
The East Riding Network supports 95 members across the region, who are assisted by more than 800 trustees and volunteers.
There are expected to be more than 100 delegates at the conference, and the keynote speeches will be delivered by The Rt Hon David Davis MP as well as representatives of local government, the East Riding Voluntary Action Service (ERVAS) and Action for Communities in Rural England.
An application from the E.R.V.H.N to the Arco Community Fund led to the sponsorship of the event.
Anna Harvatt, Community Engagement Manager, at Arco, said:
“Village halls have and continue to play an important role in their local communities, with perhaps the best example of this being how many operated as hubs for distributing PPE and other important supplies, like food and medicine, to assist those delivering vitally important services to the most vulnerable in society.
“At Arco, we are committed to supporting charitable organisations and community groups in the areas we operate in.
“As experts in safety, we are proud to be sponsoring this year’s E.R.V.H.N conference, which will focus on the theme of ‘keeping safe’.”
Geoff Catterick, Chairman of the ERVHN, said: “The East Riding Village Halls Network is very grateful to Arco for its kind and generous support for this year’s conference.
“It is vital to communities that village and community halls are supported in as many ways as possible, as these buildings are an integral part of community life.
“Without the wholehearted support of Arco, the E.R.V.H.N would not be in a position to fulfil its ambition to keep communities informed.
“Working with Arco enables the E.R.V.H.N to provide members with essential information at this conference around the theme of ‘keeping safe’, which is even more important during the current crisis.
“Our thanks to Arco and its community fund for the support. Together we aim to provide a first-class conference.”
For further information about the conference, visit the E.R.V.H.N website at: www.ervhn.org.uk
You can find out more about Arco’s Community Fund by contacting community@arco.co.uk if you are a charitable organisation or community group.