Cuppa and a Chorus – Make Music and Friends At Your Local Library

Cuppa and a Chorus - Make Music and Friends At Your Local Library
Cuppa and a Chorus – Make Music and Friends At Your Local Library

People can find their voice and make music with a group of friendly people at Cuppa and a Chorus. The meetings in Beverley are scheduled for the first and third Thursdays of every month from 9.30 to 11 a.m.

Participants can sing in a group for free and meet new people through the Cuppa and a Chorus session. There are nine libraries in the East Riding where sessions are held twice monthly.

The courses are led by trained choirmasters or qualified singing professionals, and participants do not need to read music or have experience singing. 

Cuppa and a Chorus aims to improve mood, promote wellbeing, and combat isolation. 

At the beginning of each session, there is a social ‘getting to know you’ exchange between the facilitator and those taking part in order to enjoy a drink and some light refreshments and to set the tone of togetherness.

Participants then sing various songs utilizing lyric sheets while the facilitator plays live music.  Following the first session, participants are welcome to suggest songs.

Staff and attendees continue to provide positive feedback, showing that the sessions are improving residents’ mental health.  Studies have shown that group singing has a range of health benefits, including regulating heartbeat and enhancing mood.

Several studies have shown that music helps people living with dementia and their caregivers live a more fulfilling life. 

As well as connecting individuals and allowing them to express themselves creatively, it brings people together in the present, helps unlock memories, and helps to unlock the emotions of people, as well as giving people the opportunity to keep in touch.

Cuppa and a Chorus Sessions Are A Brilliant Idea

Councillor Mike Medini, the portfolio holder for cultural and leisure assets, said:

“Cuppa and a Chorus sessions are an absolutely brilliant idea, and I am delighted that they are back for 2022, and that there are even more places available!”

“In fact, available places at each site are now increasing due to the easing of Covid restrictions, so it’s likely that your nearest session will have places available for you to join.”

To book a space, please phone or visit your local library.

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