Preventing Children From Becoming Victims Of Predators Online

Preventing Children From Becoming Victims Of Predators Online
Preventing Children From Becoming Victims Of Predators Online

What would kids do without their mobile phones and the latest gaming console?

Humberside Police wants to help you keep them safe by ensuring their privacy and security settings are changed so no one you do not want can contact them.

However, do your children know more about how to set the security and privacy settings than you do? 

Be sure that the games console or mobile device you are giving to any young person is configured in a way that will prevent them from being contacted by someone you would not want to talk to or communicate with them.

It is easy; any high street retailer will assist you when you make a purchase or you can find a lot of information online at Think You Know, Get Safe Online, and NSPCC.  

Detective Sergeant Patrick Morfitt from our POLIT (Police Online Investigation Team) said;

“If you are buying a device for your children, make sure it is age-appropriate and has the parental controls set up to protect them from unwanted online contact.”

Online Settings Can Be Changed To Help Protect Children

“We don’t want to scare parents and carers about the safety of their children, we simply want to make sure they talk to their children about staying safe online. 

“Try to be open with your children so that they know they can come to you if something has happened online that they’re not happy about or if a stranger has tried to contact them or send them a friend request.

“If you think an offence has taken place please call 101 and talk to us.  We can and will take action against those who seek to harm children online.

“As a parent myself I know how easy it is to get their devices made secure and I would just ask other parents to take the time to check the parental controls.”

Secure your children’s devices now and in the future to keep them safe.

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