Nursing Home Nurse Gave End-Of-life Drugs Without Approval Panel Hears

Nursing Home Nurse Gave End-Of-life Drugs Without Approval Panel Hears
Nursing Home Nurse Gave End-Of-life Drugs Without Approval Panel Hears

An East Yorkshire nurse who gave end-of-life drugs to residents without their consent forged colleagues’ signatures at a misconduct hearing.

While working at Lindum House nursing home in Beverley five years ago, Melody Kitney-Putnam was charged with multiple counts of misconduct.

A report claims she provided diamorphine, a powerful pain reliever often used to treat palliative care patients, and midazolam, a muscle relaxant, to multiple patients over the course of two-night shifts in October 2017.

The two drugs are “controlled,” meaning a second senior nurse must sign off on them.

According to the charges, four residents were given both drugs during night shifts between 19 and 24 October and were referred to as Patients A, C, E, and F in the hearing. Another patient, B, was also allegedly given diamorphine when there was no need for it.

As well, the nurse allegedly administered diamorphine and midazolam without clinical justification to patients A and C.

In a hearing on Wednesday, the misconduct panel heard how the nurse forged a senior care assistant’s signature.

In response to the allegations, Kitney-Putnam was investigated and suspended from the home. She now faces an investigation by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). It is possible that her license may be revoked if the allegations are proven.

During October, Alison Mortimer, who worked both night shifts, told the panel she was unaware of the drugs being given out and later saw her signature on the charts.

During the hearing, she claimed she didn’t remember signing these and was downstairs both nights.Ms Mortimer told the hearing that two people had to sign off on medication – a nurse and a senior.

As Mary Stewart questioned the witness, she asked if Ms Kitney-Putnam had ever given out any controlled drugs during either of the night shifts, to which she replied, “no”.

The panel also heard that Ms Mortimer had changed her signature since the allegations since she was concerned that it would be too easy to forge. The senior care assistant answered, “not really” when asked if anyone else was on shift who could act as a second checker.

Ms Mortimer said, “I should be there when Melody gives medication.” She said, “But I did not see any medication being given.”

“Melody would have to come down to get me to witness her taking the drugs out and to sign, but I never went upstairs.”

“From your evidence, it’s clear that your initials appear on the medication charts and your signature appears on occasions you claim you didn’t sign – who signed your name?” Ms Stewart asked.

The witness replied: “Well it wasn’t me, I didn’t see any drugs being given out.” Ms Stewart asked the witness who she thought signed her name instead, and she replied: “Melody, it must have been Melody.”

In addition to treating chronic pain, diamorphine is commonly used to treat the pain of cancer patients at the end of life and after surgery. In most cases, midazolam is administered to induce drowsiness, relax muscles, or act as an anaesthetic before undergoing a medical procedure.

In the coming week, five more witnesses are expected to appear. The hearing on Friday is scheduled to be attended by Kitney-Putnam, who was absent on Wednesday.

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