Cabinet has approved the increase of allowances for foster carers for Hull Fostering.
Payment for Skills, recognising the skills, training and experience of carers, has been increased and will now also be paid per child rather than per household.
Payment for Skills is in addition to the fostering allowances provided to foster carers for caring for a child, for clothing, food and everyday expenses.
Cabinet has also approved a Complex Care Allowance, meaning foster carers who look after children with complex needs will receive additional financial support.
This is part of the work taking place to encourage people in Hull to become foster carers for Hull Fostering and to recognise that current foster carers already do an excellent job supporting and caring for children in the city.
Councillor Linda Tock, Portfolio Holder for children’s services said: “We want to ensure foster carers are appropriately rewarded and also encourage more people to become foster carers, to help care for looked after children.
“We have great foster carers in the city, who do tremendous work, but we do need more people to provide family-based care for children and young people.
“We’d love to welcome new people to begin their own fostering journey with us.”
There are different types of fostering and many different reasons that children come into foster care. Some children need long-term care, some children need short-term care, and some need planned care for weekends or short breaks.
Adults aged over 21 from all different backgrounds, regardless of culture, religion, gender, sexuality and experience can become foster carers. You can foster if you are single, married, not married, LGBTQ+, employed, or not employed. You can foster if you have children or no children and there is no upper age limit.
Anyone who would like to find out more about fostering or speak to a member of the team on 01482 612 800, message on Facebook www.facebook.com/HullFostering/ or email fostering@hullcc.gov.uk or visit www.hull.gov.uk/fostering
Retaining and recruiting more foster carers ultimately means children can be cared for within the city, which benefits the children and also saves the council money from not having to use out-of-town placements.