Bishop Burton College was delighted to welcome current and prospective students, parents and employer partners for an Education and Childcare T- Level celebration event, to recognise the hard work and achievements of students completing and studying towards the ground-breaking qualification this Summer.
The college was part of the first wave of education providers pioneering the delivery of innovative T-Level qualifications. Introduced in 2020 T-Levels are a post GCSE alternative to A Levels, Apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses.
Equivalent to 3 A-Levels, they focus on vocational skills helping students progress into skilled employment, higher education or higher-level apprenticeships.
As some of the very first students nationally to complete and study towards a T-Level qualification the event was conceived and delivered predominantly by them, with support from the expert Education and Childcare teaching staff.
An engaging student panel and a selection of films created by the students gave first-hand insight into what it’s like to experience a T-Level qualification. Student Kisstini Dowell, who was part of the panel said “It’s such a worthwhile and rewarding course! It opens up so many more opportunities.”
T-Levels are ideal for students who have a specific career goal, but also enjoy an academic route. In combination with time in college students, complete 750 hours on an industry placement to equip them with the skills and knowledge businesses are looking for in employees.
T-Level student Milly Hatfield chose the course specifically for this reason as she wants to work supporting children with SEN and behavioural difficulties in the future. She said “I loved going on placement, meeting the children and being able to put into practice everything I’d learnt. It gave a great insight into what working in education is like.”
Busy Bees Nursery in Beverley has had T-Level placement students working alongside them since 2021, where they have been able to experience and explore all of the nursery’s early years provisions.
Director Beth Skinner was incredibly impressed with the standard of students working alongside the team on placement – from the skills they brought to their placements, to their burgeoning confidence, to how they have developed as education and childcare professionals during their time at the nursery.
Beth commented;
“Seeing the progress the students make is the best part of supporting T-Level placements. It’s amazing to see and we are very proud of them.”
The students who have completed the course this Summer are moving to a wide range of destinations. Some are going straight into the industry in roles such as Teaching Assistant in a primary school, whilst others are progressing to higher education with degree-level study in Teaching and Youth Studies and Criminology.
T-Level Second Year Course Manager Rachael Chapman said;
“The students have been on a tremendous journey. From being amongst the first nationally to experience and study a T-Level, to have started the course during a pandemic. They have taken everything in their stride and worked exceptionally hard. It was fantastic to be able to take a moment to celebrate and reflect on all of their achievements. We are so proud of them and where they are moving onto in the future.”
With over 20 T-Level options available for students nationwide, Bishop Burton launched T-Levels with the Education and Childcare qualification in 2020, added Health in 2021 and is excited to introduce a further T-Level qualification in Management and Administration in September.
Chief Executive and Principal Bill Meredith remarked;
“We see T-Levels as a fantastic route for young people to build and develop both their academic and vocational skills – readying them for a long and successful career. It is tremendous to see the very first students nationally to embark on this rewarding course fulfil their potential. T-Levels continue to be a key component of the college’s long-term vision for preparing students for a specific occupation and we are committed to the roll-out of T-Levels across a wide range of subject areas.”
Bishop Burton is currently accepting admissions for T-Levels in September. To find out more about the full course provision please www.bishopburton.ac.uk