The East Riding Festival of Words is back for 2022, and this year it will start earlier than usual with the Children’s Festival, which will feature 21 events at various East Riding Libraries between 30 July and 9 August.
The Children’s Festival will present terrific tales, creative crafts, and fantastic facts in a varied programme which will celebrate children’s love of reading and stimulate their imagination.
Councillor Mike Medini, the portfolio holder for cultural and leisure assets, said:
“The Festival of Words goes from strength to strength, and I am delighted that the Children’s Festival has been brought forward to the early summer this year with a really strong programme. I know that all these events will prove very popular, and will also be booked up very quickly!”
Librarian Kimberley Harston added:
“We have had great fun putting this programme together, and we are looking forward to welcoming children and families over the next few weeks!”
Events include:
- ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell at various libraries on various dates throughout the Festival: this will be an interactive puppet retelling of the popular book, for children aged 3-7. Booking is essential at each venue, and tickets cost £3. Venues include Bridlington North, Haltemprice, Goole, and Howden.
- ‘Bears, Bears, Bears Storytime’: children aged 7 and under can bring their own bear to Beverley library on 30 July at 11am to enjoy a beary special storytime and craft session. This event will be free. To book a place, call Beverley Library on 01482 392750.
- As part of ‘Gadgeteers : Summer Reading Challenge 2022’, the Children’s Festival will include several Gadgeteers events presented by Lab Rascals: George’s Marvellous Medicine (bubbling mixtures, smells and sparks) at Goole Library on 3 August at 2pm; Beverley on 7 August at 2.30pm; and Haltemprice on 9 August at 10am (booking essential – tickets cost £7.99 each; children must be aged 5 and over); Lego Wind Turbine Workshop on 4 August at Bridlington North Library at 1.30pm; Beverley on 7 August at 10am; and the Hornsea Hub on 9 August at 1.30pm. Discover the power of the wind by making a Lego Wind Turbine model; these events are for children aged 9-15. Booking is essential, and tickets cost £10.
- ‘The Spell Tailors’ with bestselling children’s author James Nicol at Beverley Library on 4 August at 10am : interactive fun, looking at his brand new book. Suitable for children aged 7 and over. Booking is essential – tickets cost £3.
- ‘Number Time’ at Beverley Library on 5 August at 11am : Storytime and Rhyme for young mathematicians (Under 5s): This event will be free. To book a place, call Beverley Library on 01482 392750.
- ‘Spy Dog’ at Beverley Library on 6 August at 2pm: Join Andy Cope’s Spy Dog session, all about books and more! Andy Cope is also a Doctor of Happiness….For children aged 7 and over – booking is essential, and tickets cost £3.
- ‘Bedside Stories Camp Out’ at Beverley Library on 6 August from 5pm. Bring a teddy, a torch and a blanket for songs, stories and activities. Suitable for children aged 3-7. Booking essential; tickets cost £3.
Tickets are available now. To book, and for full details of all the events, visit: https://festivalofwords.co.uk/childrens-festival/
The East Riding Festival of Words for adults will take place from 13-22 October. Details of the programme will be announced soon.