There Is Still Time To Enter The Bridlington Fun Run On September 4

There Is Still Time To Enter The Bridlington Fun Run On September 4
There Is Still Time To Enter The Bridlington Fun Run On September 4

There is still time to enter the Bridlington Beach Fun Run on Sunday, 4 September, even though registration for the inaugural race has closed.

There will be a Fun Run for children and adults who aren’t interested in running the full 5k. A medal will be given to all participants, and entry will cost £2.

You can just turn up on the day to take part in the Fun Run.

It has been organised by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Coastal Services team in partnership with Bridlington Road Runners and the Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District as a new addition to the resort’s calendar.

 The event takes place on the same day as Comic Con, which is taking place at Bridlington Spa on the same weekend. 

There will be a prize for the best-dressed person participating in the 5k or Fun Run so those who want to dress up as their favourite comic book hero can compete. The prize will be chosen by the Comic Con judges who will be present on the day.  

Councillor Mike Medini, portfolio holder for culture, leisure, libraries and customer service at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said :

“This new event will be great for Bridlington, and will undoubtedly help the health and wellbeing of the town’s residents. People will be able to take part just for fun, or perhaps to raise money for charity, and we will also be offering prizes for the best fancy dress as well, especially as the event will coincide with Bridlington Comic Con.”

Martyn Coltman, Director, Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District, said;

“It will be fantastic to see so many participants, as this is a great way to have fun with family and friends and raise money for charity.  This is a great example of where outside events can complement other activities around the town for the benefit of the business community.”

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