Amy Johnson Items Of Interest Donated To East Yorkshire Museum

Amy Johnson Items Of Interest Donated To East Yorkshire Museum
Amy Johnson Items Of Interest Donated To East Yorkshire Museum

New documents have been donated to the Amy Johnson display at Sewerby Hall near Bridlington in East Yorkshire.  

Among these items are Amy’s original Hull Aero Club membership certificate, her pilot’s license, and a pin badge in the form of Amy’s plane Jason. There are also some newspaper cuttings. 

Australian resident Christine Farrell donated the items. 

As an Australian by birth, Christine was an avid Amy Johnson fan and a pilot herself who set up her own helicopter company in Canberra in her 40s. 

The Museum registrar with the council, Dr David Marchant said: 

“By a strange coincidence, these items were bought at the same Christies auction in London (in 1995) when the council was able to acquire Amy’s spare canvas flying helmet and a set of goggles.” 

“Another person bought the original pilot’s licence, which, as far as we know, is still in a private collection. It’s great that these items have now found their way to us.”

Who Was Amy Johnson?

A leading figure of the twentieth century, Amy Johnson CBE (1903-1941) had a profound impact on society. She was an inspiration to many. Throughout her career, she set many records. While she is most well known for flying solo from England to Australia in 1930.

Growing up in Hull, where her father ran a fish export and import business, Amy was the eldest of four sisters. After a failed love affair, she decided to try a new life in London.

In North London, she boarded a bus to Stag Lane Aerodrome when she was at a loose end.

As she watched primitive biplanes take off and also land, she was immediately captivated. It wasn’t long before she spent all her spare time at the aerodrome.

There is now a display of the certificate and also the pin badge in the Amy Johnson room at Sewerby Hall. 

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