East Yorkshire community groups including those in Beverley are being urged to apply for funding to host events.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, funding is still available to the community and voluntary groups in the East Riding.
The Do it for East Yorkshire (DIFEY) Community grant enables Town and Parish Councils, Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and others to hold events & festivals, arrange COVID recovery community activities and extend access to services, all aimed at encouraging residents back into the community.
Funding is available for Town Councils, Parish Councils, and other voluntary and community organisations. The amount of the grant varies from £500 to £5,000, depending on the activity.
A resounding success of the first phase of funding has been the commitment of £299,982 for community-led projects and events since July 2021.
Locally the Leven Festival was awarded £3,099.80 for a project.
Leven Festival aimed to bring together, in a safe and friendly environment, all age groups in Leven village for a day filled with fun, entertainment, displays, stalls, sports, food, and a picnic in the park at the end.
Those applying need to meet the following criteria;
brings people back into your community
one-off events and festivals
improves access to services
re-start community activities, such as lunch clubs
focuses on encouraging people who have been shielded to engage in community activities
There is still about £145,000 left to be granted, so don’t delay in getting in applying.
In phase one of the Do it for East Yorkshire grant, £1 of grant funding created £12.69 of social value, resulting in a total of £2,606,967,19 in benefits to the community.
For more information, visit https://socialvalueengine.com/.