Youth Support Service Refresh Needs New Volunteers

Youth Support Service Refresh Needs New Volunteers
Youth Support Service Refresh Needs New Volunteers

New volunteers are needed to assist young people with drug and alcohol problems. Since the pandemic, volunteer numbers at Refresh, a youth service commissioned by Hull City Council, have declined.

As well as working with young people, the role involves working with their parents and caregivers.

Refresh helps young people who are struggling to stop or control their drug or alcohol use, as well as accessing general support in areas such as education, housing, or relationships.

Depending on work, family, and other commitments, the amount of time spent volunteering can vary. All applicants are required to undergo a DBS (criminal record check) regardless of their qualifications or experience.

In a statement, Refresh said:

“A reduction in volunteer numbers is one of the lasting impacts of the pandemic. With face-to-face work impossible for a long time, some of those who previously volunteered are no longer able to, and new people haven’t yet come forward.

“Refresh relies on volunteers to be able to provide young people with the level of support they need and deserve. Those who give their time are an invaluable part of the service.

“We know that often the issue is people simply not being aware of the volunteering opportunities which are out there. We’re all still adjusting to emerging from the pandemic and finding our way to a new normal.

“That’s why we’re issuing a call now and letting people know the doors are open and we can’t wait to welcome new volunteers to our team.”

Youth Support ServiceVolunteer Roles Rewarding

The Portfolio Holder for Communications and Engagement, Cllr Dave McCobb, said: 

“Volunteering with Refresh is a fantastic opportunity for anyone with a bit of free time. It may be someone who wants to give back to the community, gain experience working with young people or do something that makes a difference.  

“It could be ideal for students looking to start a career or boost a CV – anyone aged 18 and over is able to volunteer and it’s quick and easy to apply online.

“By working with this invaluable service, you’re directly helping individual young people and their families, as well as reducing the impact drug and alcohol use has on wider communities.

“In Hull, we have a proud history of coming together and supporting each other – volunteering is a vital part of that”.

To apply and for more information visit:

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