Three more groups in Beverley, East Yorkshire have benefited from grants from the supermarket giant Tesco. Money was awarded after customers of the Morton Lane store voted for their projects.
In total, £3000 was donated to Beverley Manor Nursery School, East Yorkshire Hygiene Bank and also Woodmansey Primary School.
Those who have received funds have expressed their gratitude. They say the money will help them to deliver projects to benefit the community.
A spokesperson for Beverley Manor Nursery School said:
‘’We are delighted here at Beverley Manor Nursery School to have won the Tesco Community Grant of £1500 to contribute towards food for our eco and ethical pantry.”
“The school are starting up an Eco and Ethical pantry to support families and to reduce food waste locally.”
“For a small joining fee families will be able to come to the pantry and buy a number of items of food at a nominal charge.”
Bethan Nicholls, Head Teacher at Woodmansey Primary School said:
“The pupils and staff at Woodmansey CE Primary School would like to thank Tesco and all their customers for voting in store for our project. We are only just uncovering the pandemic’s impact on our young children.”
“Our youngest children, aged 3 and 4 have had such significant disruption to opportunities for communication, developing their play and social skills.”
“Using the £500 from Tesco we will be able to enhance our provision to offer resources aimed at collaborative play outside, in turn promoting positive well-being. We cannot thank Tesco enough.”
David Ryley, the Tesco Beverley Community Champion is urging local groups to get in touch so they can tap into this funding resource.
Tesco Community Grants are currently open for applications. They want to hear from food banks, schools, holiday clubs, sports clubs, charities and community groups.
Email beverley.community@tesco.com if you would like more information. Alternatively, please visit the Tesco Community Grants website: tescocommunitygrants.org.uk