![Safer Roads Humber Will Hold A Casualty Reduction Day Of Action](https://www.hu17.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/share.gif)
With a focus on the enforcement of road traffic laws, the Safer Roads Humber Partnership continues its ‘Share the Road’ campaign. It takes hard work and dedication to pass the driving test and earn the privilege of driving.
Speeding, using a handheld mobile phone while driving, and being impaired by alcohol and drugs can and will result in that privilege being revoked.
To reduce dangerous driving on our roads, Safer Roads Humber and Humberside Police are actively enforcing highly visible and unmarked enforcement across the region.
Safer Roads Humber partnership manager Ian Robertson said:
“The majority of motorists obey road traffic laws and get frustrated when they see dangerous drivers flouting the rules of the road. Our message to these dangerous drivers is that our enforcement has greatly increased and if you deliberately flout the law, your risk of prosecution has never been greater.
We will be using unmarked vans, motorcycles and cars as part of our operations and the coming year will see us use other methods of enforcing the many rules of the road. We have the support of the majority of the public that obey the rules, for those that don’t, the simple message is to change your driving behaviour and drive like you were taught for your test.”
There will be enhanced enforcement of safety cameras across the region on 8 November as part of the partnership’s casualty reduction day of action. A bus will be used by the partnership as a mobile enforcement platform travelling throughout the region in collaboration with East Yorkshire Buses.
Safer Roads Humber compliance officers are also capable of detecting other driving offences, such as driving without a seatbelt and using a handheld mobile phone.
As well as enforcement, the partnership is spreading the message that everyone is responsible for road safety via its social media channels, while engagement officers from the partnership will visit fire stations throughout the region to remind people to drive responsibly and within speed limits.
Humberside Police’s roads policing unit will also conduct additional operations on casualty reduction day, while the Neighbourhood Policing Team will focus on local road safety issues like antisocial driving, weight limit violations and other offences. Some areas will also be covered by volunteers from the Community Speed Watch teams.
To reduce the number of people killed and injured on the region’s roads, the partnership is asking everyone to ‘Share The Road’ regardless of how they travel.