For residents who intend to use taxis this holiday season, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s licensing team advises them to plan ahead and only use legally licensed taxis.
The council warns that bogus taxi drivers should be avoided. Social media should not be used to request ‘lifts’ unless a licensed driver is offering them. There are often no licensed drivers or vehicles involved in ‘lifts’, and they have not been vetted or checked.
During the festive season, the council’s licensing team receives more reports about bogus taxis posing as legal services. Before embarking on a taxi trip, taxi users should ensure their taxi is licensed or a private hire vehicle.
Any vehicle residents flag down or approach to hire immediately must be an East Riding licensed Hackney Carriage if they have not pre-booked their journey home. It is unlawful for vehicles from outside the East Riding to pick up customers for immediate hire, which will invalidate their insurance and put customers at risk.
Councillor Leo Hammond, Cabinet member for planning, communities and public protection, said: “We are asking those waiting for a taxi to be aware of potential bogus vehicles. There are top tips on our website to check for licensed legal taxi vehicles and I strongly recommend not getting into any vehicle if you have any doubts.”
Anyone with concerns about unlicensed taxis should contact the council’s licensing team – email taxi.hub@eastriding.gov.uk
Once again, taxi marshals will be patrolling Beverley and Bridlington during Christmas to make sure people make it home safely.
Those celebrating Christmas and New Year will be able to safely return home thanks to highly visible taxi marshals provided by the council’s licensing department.
The highly visible licensed marshals will operate in Beverley Saturday Market on Friday, 22 December from 8pm until 2am; Boxing Day from 8pm until 1am; and on New Year’s Eve from 10pm until 2am. They will also be in Bridlington on Boxing Day from 8pm until 1am, to help ensure people leave the town centres safely, make sure there are orderly queues and making sure people are getting into a licensed vehicle.