The Role of HR Systems in a Changing Workplace

The Role of HR Systems in a Changing Workplace
The Role of HR Systems in a Changing Workplace

The way that we work is always changing. Often, that change is gradual. It might creep in over years and decades. In other cases, the change is sudden. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world of work saw a seismic shift toward home, or hybrid, setups.

Polling suggests that a majority of workers wish to retain at least some of the freedoms they enjoyed during the pandemic. Thus, we’re not likely to return to the old ways anytime soon.

A modern HR system provides the software necessary to make remote working not only manageable, but productive and empowering. Let’s take a look at a few of the more important means through which this might be done.

Virtual onboarding

If remote workers are going to be brought into a virtual working environment, the right onboarding strategy is critical. HR systems can form part of this onboarding strategy. Orientation sessions might be held via platforms like Zoom, with the results recorded in centralized, digital locations.

New recruits might also be offered video instruction, via dedicated online learning platforms. This will allow them to get up to speed whenever the time allows.

Managing remote teams

While remote work has brought about a range of opportunities, it has also presented its share of challenges. It can be difficult for a team to remain productive, accountable and cohesive when everyone is working in different places, and at different times.

HR systems can help to deal with these challenges. Performance might be tracked digitally, and tools offered to log time spent, as well as other productivity metrics. Collaboration platforms like Slack, Discord and Asana might be used to hold discussions, and keep everyone on the same page.

It’s worth sounding a faint note of caution, however: it’s vital that these apps don’t become a distraction from the work itself. Employees should be made aware of this danger, so that they can take steps to impose limits on their use of collaborative tools.

Building a sense of community

Rather than leaving everyone free to chat on Discord, it’s worth putting in place a system of regular meetings and feedback. If these occur at specific times, then it will be easier for employees to engage in deep work when they know that they’re not at risk of missing out on a key discussion.

Online communities can never truly take the place of a real-world workplace, and the social interactions one might have in such a place. Thus, it might also be worth arranging real-world meetings and social events. If everyone working on a platform is based in the same country, it might even be feasible to hold an annual party!

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