The Beverley Grand Prix, presented by Wren Kitchens, was a fantastic success; hundreds of cyclists raced around the town centre, for six hours of cycling events from four to 10pm. It was the first such event in the town since 2017.
The event featured six rides and races, including the finale of the British Cycling National Circuit Series, which was won by Matthew Bostock, of Ribble Rebellion
The event was also kicked off by youngsters and local cyclists who joined the Beverley Community Ride, with additional races for under 12s, under 14s and 16s.
Coinciding with the start of the Paris Olympic Games, the event included round six of the Open National Circuit Series and the Women’s National Circuit Series.
Notable participants included Matthew Bostock, Robert Stott, and Paralympic double gold medal winner Adam Duggleby.
Eilidh Shaw and Isabel Darvil also competed in the women’s race, which was won by Sophie Lewis of DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK.
The support race was won by Graham Briggs from Clancy Briggs cycling academy, while Mark Ketteringham from Harrogate Nova Race Team won the under 16s boy race and Jude Alcock from Sheffield Youth Cycling Club won the under 14s boy’s race. The under 14s girls’ race was won by Annie Fearne.
Additionally, families and people of all ages were able to experience a national level cycling event, in the Beverley Community Ride, in the safety of closed roads around a 1.4km circuit of the town. There were 125 participants in the community ride, in an age range from four to 70, with cyclists were presented with commemorative medals for their participation.
The ride was held in memory of Ian Burnett, former head of asset strategy at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, who was instrumental in bringing many cycling race stages to the area over the past 10 years. Ian passed away in 2022.
The Beverley Grand Prix, presented by Wren Kitchens, was organised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Generation Pro Cycling Events.
Councillor Nick Coultish, cabinet member for culture, leisure and tourism at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “This was a fantastic event, and I’m delighted that world class cyclists and members of the community were able to participate.
It was great to bring some of Britain’s best cyclists to Beverley and continue the town’s strong tradition of hosting cycling events.
“I hope all members of the community enjoyed the evening, and that this will continue to put Beverley on the map as a cycling destination.”
Chris Lawrence, Director of Generation Pro Cycling Events said “This was a great showcase of cycling excellence, bringing the best of British cycling to Beverley. Congratulations to Matthew Bostock and Sophie Lewis on their well-deserved wins, and to all those who participated in the community bike rides. I hope this inspires more people in East Yorkshire to take up cycling.”