Fairy Tale Christmas For Samaritans

Fairy Tale Christmas For Samaritans
Fairy Tale Christmas For Samaritans

Toll Gavel was given a treat on Sunday 1st December by a group of carol singers who were singing to raise money for Hull Samaritans. The group who comprised of Samaritans volunteers and friends and family raised an incredible £1,163 from passers-by.

Samaritans Director, Tony Rheinberg commented, “We are stunned and incredibly grateful for the generosity of people in Beverley who gave so much”

Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.

Every day, Samaritans volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help. The local branch is based on Spring Bank in Hull and has over 60 Listeners. Everyone in the branch are volunteers and the charity has to raise funds every year to keep the lines open.

Tony went on to say “Suicide is complex and is rarely caused by only one thing. It is not inevitable, is preventable and suicidal thoughts are often temporary and can be interrupted”

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