Going Out To A New Year’s Eve Party Or Going Away – Remember Home Security

Going Out To A New Year’s Eve Party Or Going Away - Remember Home Security
Going Out To A New Year’s Eve Party Or Going Away – Remember Home Security

Imagine that you have returned home after a fantastic New Year’s Eve celebration to discover you home has been burgled…it is not something the police want anyone to go through.

Just because you are planning to attend a party or visiting family or friends as part of the festive break does not mean burglars are taking it easy. Sadly if your home looks unoccupied then it could become a target for thieves.

We are urging everyone to check their security before they go away and ensure it is a fabulous celebration for all the right reasons.

Follow our simple tips to secure your home against burglars:

• Make sure your windows and doors are locked. If you have a burglar alarm turn it on and leave the key or passcode with a family member or trusted neighbour.

• Remove and secure items that may be used to break in or climb into your home and lock your outbuilding so burglars can’t use the tools inside.

• Use automatic timer-switches to turn on a light and perhaps a radio when it gets dark.

• Ask a trusted neighbour or family member come around and open and close curtains, plus move post so it looks like people are coming and going at your home.

• Don’t advertise that you are away. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter can be a risk if people know you are away and your home is empty.

• Work with your neighbours to keep an eye on each other’s homes. Neighbourhood Watch and Neighbourhood Networks encourage this type of community spirit and long term it may be worth joining one or setting one up in your street. For details visit: www.ourwatch.org.uk.

• Never leave keys anywhere near the front door; burglars know where to look. Consider fitting a letterbox cage or other restrictor to prevent burglars from putting their hands or gadgets through and opening the latches from the inside.

You should call the police if they see people acting suspiciously in their community, if there is a burglary in progress or if they have details about those involved in criminality.

This can be done this using 999 in an emergency, 101 in a non-emergency or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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