Your Weekly Horoscope By Russell Grant

Your Weekly Horoscope By Russell Grant
Your Weekly Horoscope By Russell Grant

ARIES (March21st-April20th)

A friend or partner’s behaviour is confusing. You wonder why they aren’t their normal easy going self. It could be their contrariness is down to them feeling as if everyone is taking their kindness for granted. If you go out of your way to correct this view, your relationship will get back to normal. You might pool your energy with a colleague to accomplish a difficult work assignment. Your boss will be impressed by your teamwork.

TAURUS (April21st-May21st)

If a domestic project gets off on the wrong foot, it’s not likely to get much better as the week goes on. A small misunderstanding between you and a housemate could escalate and you will wish you had kept your views to yourself. Are you single? A first date could be disappointing. Sometimes it seems like other people get all the luck but instead of dwelling on things that are going wrong, make a list of your blessings.

GEMINI (May22nd-June21st)

You’re putting a huge amount of effort into a group project that isn’t giving you the satisfaction you expected. This area of your life is taking up too much of your time now, leaving you with little chance to enjoy yourself. You’re putting in all the work, but it’s likely that other people will stand to benefit and this doesn’t seem very fair to you. Your dissatisfaction is a sign that it’s time to try something new. Believe that you have it within you to make a dream come true.

CANCER (June22nd-July23rd)

Someone needs your presence at a celebratory event. Their request is worded in a way that makes you feel obliged to attend. You and your family had other things planned and you hope your loved ones will understand. Have you been placing too much emphasis on work and responsibility? Taking a short trip for pleasure would be a welcome change of pace. A change of scene might also give you a chance to reassess some relationships.

LEO (July24th-August23rd)

Family life is strained. Social gatherings are more relaxing and that’s because you won’t have to discuss subjects that make you feel uncomfortable. Still, you can’t keep burying your head in the sand. Sooner or later you’re going to have to face your responsibilities at home. Past quarrels can be brought up again later in the week and amicably settled. New technology introduced to the home and workplace will save you time, effort and frustration.

VIRGO (August24th-September23rd)

When you keep your feelings bottled up, you can become vulnerable to stress. Someone may accuse you of being secretive when the truth is, you’re feeling hypersensitive and moody. It might seem as if no one understands you. Discussing your feelings with an old friend could clear your thoughts. They will be more sensitive than you expect them to be. Take time to prepare nutritious meals that will boost your immune system. Your primary focus now should be your health.

LIBRA (September24th-October23rd)

Nothing stays the same forever and you are ready now to decide on the next stage of a close relationship. With a little imagination you could come up with exciting joint plans for the future. You feel the person you are with is the one who will be with you in the long-term. Planning a wedding or engagement party will bring out the best in you. Making a guest list, creating a menu and compiling musical playlists will unleash your creativity.

SCORPIO (October24th-November22nd)

Ignore the desire to be overly independent. In business and romance, it’s not what you know but who you know that counts this week. Personal plans will be advanced by following an influential executive’s lead. Social activities will be fun and interesting but by the end of the week you will prefer quiet, peaceful pastimes. Plan a romantic dinner for two or take your amour to a special venue you both always enjoy. You might talk about sneaking off to a private hideaway together.

SAGITTARIUS (November23rd-December21st)

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. If you and someone you are close to have been apart, you may have felt incomplete without them. You’ve met someone worthy of being your lifetime partner and settling down with the one you love will bring stability into your life. Spending time on hobbies can be therapeutic. Swimming, playing sports or bringing a creative project to fruition strikes a better balance between work and fun. Don’t feel guilty about taking time off work for romance or relaxation.

CAPRICORN (December22nd-January20th)

At times, you might be troubled by memories you’d rather forget. What’s past is past and if a relationship, arrangement or job is over, you must accept this now. Concentrate on other relationships, new possibilities and fresh opportunities. Reuse to allow old disappointments to interfere with your future. Developments in your family life could set you thinking along new lines. Be open to making adjustments for the sake of a loving partnership. Friends and loved ones will appreciate your flexibility.

AQUARIUS (January21st-February19th)

A refund you were promised hasn’t yet arrived. You are entitled to this money and you’ve had enough of being messed about. You may have to go to court to get justice and very soon an agreement will be rubber stamped by the judge. If someone has been acting weird when in the company of a mutual friend, you are about to find out why. Now everything is out in the open, you may want to think about where you stand in a certain friendship or relationship.

PISCES (February20th-March20th)

Your best friend is making plans that seem out of character for them. Because this has taken you by surprise, you may not give the response they were hoping for. All they want is some fun and excitement. When you realise this, and see the happiness it brings them, you could feel embarrassed by your initial reaction. A situation that is becoming increasingly worrying for the family can be resolved but it may need your intervention. Find practical ways to relieve a relative’s problems.

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