Hull City Council’s flagship Customer Service Centre on Alfred Gelder Street will see a meet and greet area created, alongside a number of new online stations where customers can access services, as well as new cash kiosks, a waiting area and private interview rooms.
The changes will also see the Citizens Advice Bureau move downstairs to allow easier access for all.
During the works, which will start Monday 6 January and are expected to last up to eight weeks, all services will move upstairs. Disruption will be kept to a minimum however space will be limited. Disabled access will be maintained at all times and clear signage will be in place to direct visitors to the centre to a temporary entrance.
To assist during this time, Bransholme and the Orchard Customer Service Centres will be open Monday to Friday, meaning residents in these areas can access council services without a visit to the city centre.
Cllr Mike Thompson, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities said:
“This work to modernise The Wilson Centre will offer even more support for our residents.
“Once complete, staff will be on hand to assist people to access over 80 council services online as well as providing top quality one-to-one advice.
“During this time it will be very busy at the Wilson centre. With this in mind, we have taken the decision to open both Bransholme and Orchard Centres five days a week to prevent residents from making unnecessary journeys into the city centre.
“I would like to thank residents for their cooperation and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”
For the duration of the works, there will be no facility to make payments by cash, however cash payments can be made at a local Paypoint or the Bransholme Customer Service Centre.
The call centre is now also accepting new housing repair enquiries seven days a week and many services can already be accessed online at www.hull.gov.uk