Shops Are Back – But Will Be Heading Out For Some Retail Therapy

Shops Are Back - But Will Be Heading Out For Some Retail Therapy
Shops Are Back – But Will Be Heading Out For Some Retail Therapy

Shops in Beverley selling non-essential goods will again be allowed to trade as of Monday.

Following a long period of being closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the big question is if people will be chomping at the bit to get back to shops.

Retailers and the government are hoping that people who have been locked up in their homes for weeks will rush out and spend spend spend.

However while for the those who own the shops reopening is good news for some consumers it presents an uneasy situation.

What we do know is that those brave enough to head out will be in for a very different experience.  Retailers are expected to restrict the number of people who go in while items will have to be quarantined if touched by others.

Of course, over the past few weeks, we have all become used to social distancing. While buying our essentials most have become conditioned and trained to line up when entering.

However as supermarkets have been restricting the number of people going in, the reality is very different. Once inside one way systems and social distancing are pretty much non-exsistant.

Not only are we running the gauntlet with other shoppers, but staff seem oblivious in many cases to the 2M rule. Also, one way systems put in place are regularly ignored.

Smaller Shops In Beverley Could Offer Safer Bet For Shoppers

That said this is where a town like Beverley could come into its own. With a number of smaller shops managing people and their movements should be far easier. This, of course, means anyone shopping in them should feel much safer.

No one is expecting a January sales style rush on Monday when stores re-open. Many potential customers remain anxious about coming into contact with others.

Over the coming months, there is no question the retail sector faces a challenging time as they look to tease us out our homes and back into their shops.

While COVID-19 may be one of the challenges, the other is the internet. Technology has played a key role in peoples homes. It has been used like never before to shop online. We are learning many of of the things we used to do can be done easily, safely and conveniently. From the comfort of our home.

If you do decide to go shopping on Monday do so with care. Also where possible support those smaller shops in the town. 

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