Sun Inn Licensee Thrilled To Hear The Sound Of Customers Again

Sun Inn Licensee Thrilled To Hear The Sound Of Customers Again
Sun Inn Licensee Thrilled To Hear The Sound Of Customers Again

Richard Price, Licensee of the Sun Inn says it is great to be open again. Following weeks of being closed due to the lockdown, the popular Beverley local welcomed back customers at the weekend.

Richard said that he was pleased with how the weekend went adding that customers overall had been respectful of the rules.

Speaking to Richard said;

“It feels great to be open once again here at the Sun Inn. We had a steady first day and a good flow of customers.  It was fully booked up from about 4 o’clock and had to turn a few people away, unfortunately.”

“All in all everyone was well behaved and stuck to the guidelines. If it continues like this it looks very good for the future. We are just glad to be open.”

During the lockdown, he says he has missed having customers in the pub while adding there has been plenty to do. He said;

“The thing we have missed the most is the sound of people in the pub. When we go upstairs it has been weird not hearing the buzz of people.”

“During the lockdown, it has been like going up after a shift but 24 hours a day.  It is so nice to be able to hear and see the people and get the feeling everyone is enjoying themself.”

Sun Inn Licensee Given Deep Clean During The Lockdown

Richard says that during the lockdown they found themselves looking at the clock and thinking about what they would have been doing.

Explaining how it has been to be closed he said;

“We would be sitting there thinking, what we would be doing at this time on Saturday or Sunday.  While we have still been doing take out Sunday dinners, the afternoons were our time to socialise with customers. That is something we have really missed.”

“There were other things like putting together quiz nights, so just to get it back to some sort of normality is great.”

While the pub may have been closed work has not stopped. Richard says their days have been filled with cleaning, he said;

“I have a new friend in the pub, she is called Hetty. Hetty is a vacuum cleaner Hetty and I get on really well!”

“We have also been busy decorating, we have refurbished the snug, varnished all the tables and backs of the chairs. Also, we have varnished the bar top and cleaned the floors, a full deep clean and made the most of it.”

Richard now hopes that residents will support the local pubs in Beverley, he said;

“Please come out and support the pubs if you can. I realise that there is some trepidation about coming out. If everybody abides by the rules and guidelines we can progress to getting live music back as well which we miss.”

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