Liberal Democrat led Beverley Town Council has delivered a Council tax reduction for Beverley residents for the second year running.
Following last year’s reduction of 2%, the Beverley precept for residents of the town will reduce this year by a further 4.29%, whilst the Council continues to invest in public services.
Leader of the Liberal Democrat group on Beverley Town Council, Cllr Denis Healy, explains:
“It’s been a really tough year for Beverley residents with the Coronavirus, and we don’t think it’s right to be increasing council tax for Beverley residents when the Town Council is sitting on cash reserves, which is the public’s money and which has been stashed away by previous administrations over many years.
We are, therefore able to make a small gesture to reduce the Beverley council tax precept whilst continuing to invest in public services.”
“We are combining a council tax precept reduction with an ambitious investment plan for Beverley. The new budget includes finances to enhance floral displays in both the town and the wider residential areas, new additions to the Christmas lights, benches for the town centre and the residential areas, a Beverley Pride event, upgrades to the CCTV cameras to reduce crime, revamped town entry signs and more grant funding for organisations that carry out wonderful work in the local community.”
Cllr Linda Johnson, Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee, who proposed the budget on behalf of the Council said:
“People have had it really tough over the last year and we wanted to reduce the precept as much as we possibly could in recognition of this. So we are dipping into the reserves which have been built up over the years by previous councils and using the money which wasn’t spent last year due to lock-down on planting and lighting schemes, more seats for people to pause and rest, new litter and salt bins and a couple of new exciting projects which we will unveil as soon as we are able.”
The Mayor of Beverley and Chair of the Council, Councillor Tom Astell said:
“I’m really proud to be able to announce this budget which does more for less, showing responsible use of tax-payers’ money. All of our key events were sadly cancelled last year, including our first Pride. As soon as we are able, Beverley will celebrate Pride and we will look to reinstate the events which Beverley is so famous for.”