News that the cap on the number of people that can attend funeral services is to be removed has been welcomed by local firm Frank Stephenson & Son Funeral Directors.
As part of the next steps in easing restrictions, the legal cap of 30 people attending a funeral will be scrapped a month earlier than planned.
From 17 May there will be no restrictions on the number of people who can attend.
David Wilson of Frank Stephenson & Son Funeral Directors welcome the news. He says that these restrictions being lifted will help ease the added grief faced by families.
Speaking to HU17.net he said;
“For over a year throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, bereaved families have had another pressure added to their grief, this is to choose who can attend their loved ones funeral service.”
“With many families having far more than 30 people in them, how do you possibly choose who attends and who does not?”
“We saw our very own Queen having to sit alone through the Duke of Edinburgh’s service. This brought to light yet again about the impact the pandemic has had on all of us no matter what our background is.”
Funeral Service Changes A Blessing For Families
“To know that the cap on funeral numbers will go from 30 to unlimited is certainly a blessing for all the families we are called upon to serve.”
“They and their loved ones require a truly fitting tribute for all to be a part of and to think we are edging ever closer to that day is a wonderful feeling; we can start to offer what the community deserves once again.”
Deborah Smith, from the National Association of Funeral Directors commenting on the news said she was very pleased with the planned change.
She added that while some venues may not have the space to welcome back large numbers due to social distancing but the change does mean larger venues can welcome back more mourners.