The Beverley Branch of the Labour Party is pleased to announce that they will be supporting Ron Laden in the upcoming by-election to be held on 22 July for the seat of Minster South for the Beverley Town Council.
Ron lives in Beverley and is originally from Withernsea. He works for the Office for National Statistics and is based in Hull.
Until 2016, he was a member of the Bath Labour Party, a school governor and a trustee of a mental health charity supporting members of the armed forces and their families. He is currently the Secretary of the Royal British Legion’s Beverley branch.
For most of his working life, Ron served in the Army and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2013 – he has served amongst many other places: throughout the Balkans, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Afghanistan.
He has a history of service to the country and is committed to continuing that commitment to serve the people of Minster South in Beverley.
As a town councillor, he will promise to uphold the principles of public life, which include leadership, honesty, accountability, integrity and selflessness. There is no spin with Ron and he promises to explain all his decisions to the residents of Minster South.
As for policies:
● Ron will investigate the situation with the (approximately) £19,000 grant that was to be spent in the beckside area. It is a dereliction of town council leadership that nothing has been done
● The town has plenty of flowers, but little pavement cleaning and it relies on the excellent work of The Wombles of Beverley to make up the shortfall. The town council has the funds to do better than this. Ron will do what he can to combat the current ineffective leadership that has created this situation
● The town council is not doing enough in terms of publicity, cleaning and security to preserve what is good about the town and attract visitors to sustain local businesses. Ron will support spending to help businesses and create jobs
● The current town council leadership are ignoring a series of criticisms by successive auditors about financial mismanagement. Ron will work hard to resolve this issue as a matter of urgency
Voters will go to the polls in Minster South on 22 July – Candidates standing are;
Graham Johnson – Liberal Democrats
Elaine Aird – Conservative
Ron Laden – Independent (Endorsed by Labour)