Public Views Wanted To Help Shape Local Policing

Public Views Wanted To Help Shape Local Policing
Public Views Wanted To Help Shape Local Policing

Are you keen to share your thoughts on policing and key matters? Then Humberside Police needs you!

Humberside Police are on the lookout for members of the public who want to help shape and consult on important matters throughout our local area.

Community Safety Sergeant Nick Bunker said;

“The doors are open to members of the public, who live or work within the Humberside Police force area, who are interested in becoming a member of our Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs).

“Our IAG’s memberships are drawn from local communities on a voluntary basis and their role is to scrutinise our policies and advise on how we can improve them.

“We have a force-wide IAG and various local IAGs to reflect the differences in local issues and priorities across the Humberside area.

“The groups are crucial in helping us to build trust and understanding between Humberside Police and our communities.

“One important role of the group is to help us identify any potential community tensions that may arise from crimes or incidents and help us to make decisions on how we support those communities and keep people safe.

“Some of the recent topics within IAGs have included:

– Our custody build on the South Bank
– How we introduce and use spit guards to protect our officers and staff
– Body worn videos

“These meetings not only provide the police with vital information that helps communities but many changes are implemented as a result.

“In January 2021, the barrier around having a driving license before entering into the police was lifted. Whilst a license is required, this has been moved to the end of the probationary period to enable additional time.

“Additional training was also brought into place when a member raised de-escalation techniques for children with learning difficulties.

“Training has also since been brought in for recognising Tic attack’s and Tourette’s more generally.

“Ultimately, your opinions can significantly help shape our policing.

“To get involved please email your interest to”

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