Seven Year Old Raises £9,265 Fulfilling Riley’s Wish

Seven Year Old Raises £9,265 Fulfilling Riley’s Wish
Seven Year Old Raises £9,265 Fulfilling Riley’s Wish

Incredible fundraiser Jack has raised an amazing £9,265 for Hull Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit inspired by his friend Riley’s incredible selflessness, and in celebration of his life. 

Riley was a 15-year-old who was like a brother to Jack and inspired all those he met with his kind and generous nature.

Riley sadly lost his baby cousins Mason and Miles in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Having witnessed the love care his cousins’ had received from staff, Riley wanted to raise money to support and give back to the unit.

Riley had grown his hair in order to have it cut to donate to the Little Princess Trust, and planned on donating the funds raised to NICU. He had already raised £800.00. 

On 9 April, a year to the day that Riley tragically lost his life, Jack followed in his friend’s footsteps to make his fundraising dream a reality. Jack idolised Riley and, through love and determination, grew his hair so he can fulfil Riley’s wish of raising funds in support of a unit so close to his heart.

The fundraising event at Moulders Arms in Beverley created a real buzz locally, with the whole community supporting Jack.  Local businesses, from the fish shop to Morrisons, have advertised the event and donated raffle prizes for the fundraiser and New Look Beverley staff raised £1,000! 

Both families are unbelievably proud of Jack, with Riley’s mum, VJ cutting Jack’s hair on the day and supporting the fundraising helping create something positive and lasting in Riley’s memory.

Jack said;

“I couldn’t believe how many people helped in the build-up to the event and then came along to support us on the day. “

“I was surrounded by family and friends and we talked about Riley and how he’d be really touched that we’ve all come together.  I feel really proud of doing this for Riley to fulfil his wishes and make a real difference to the babies and families in the Neonatal Unit.”

Francesca Matthews, Neonatal Unit Ward Manager, said;

“We would like to say a massive well done to Jack for what he has achieved, we are incredibly proud of him. The funds he has raised in memory of his friend Riley is amazing.”

“We would love to create a sensory room within our unit and the funds Jack has raised will go towards making a start on this special room for our babies and families.  We are very grateful to everyone who supported Jack.  Thank you.”

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