Beverley & East Riding Golf Club have donated over £3,000 to a local NHJS trust. Funds were raised by members of the club which is located on Beverley Westwood.
The club says the charity was chosen as many members at the club hold The Queens Oncology Unit at Castle Hill Hospital in high regard.
Professor Russell Patmore, Medical Director at Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust attended Beverley & East Riding Golf Club where he was presented with the funds.
Former captain of the club Carl Sheppard said;
“During my year as Club Men’s Captain in 2020 and Shaun Leach Captain in 2021, we hosted a good cause charity fundraising effort for The Queens Oncology Unit Castle Hill Hospital.”
“This hospital has personal resonance for many of The Beverley & East Riding Golf Club membership and they gave generously to the good cause, raising a significant amount of £3075.”
“I would like to extend a big thank you to the membership of our Golf Club for their generosity.”
“I know Russell is appreciative of the donation, contributing in practical routes to this local centre of excellence for patient care, medical treatment and essential research work”.
Speaking to HU17.net Professor Patmore said;
“It was wonderful to meet up with the captains at Beverley Golf Club and be presented with a cheque for such an amazing amount of money.”
“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to them and all of the members of the club who donated so generously. As more people are being diagnosed with cancer and our treatments get better, the Queen’s Centre just keeps on getting busier.”
“ There is never enough resource to do all of the things that we would like to support patients, their families and our staff.”
“Extra money, particularly substantial sums like this, gives us the opportunity to do things that make patients experience and care that little bit better when they are going through such a difficult time.”