Beverley Projects Receive Thousands Of Pounds From Tesco

Beverley Projects Receive Thousands Of Pounds From Tesco
Beverley Projects Receive Thousands Of Pounds From Tesco

More groups in Beverley have been given a big financial boost thanks to an incentive run by the supermarket giant Tesco.

Beverley Manor Nursery, East Yorkshire Hygiene Bank and Woodmansey Primary have all received grants for their projects.

Tesco Community Grants have funded fund thousands of local community projects across the UK. The projects that have benefited from the scheme tackle a wide range of issues in the community.

Such projects are helping to fight hunger, support young people and families, host community events and much more.

A total of over 40,000 community groups have been supported by the scheme since 2016 to the tune of almost £100 million in grants. 

In the latest round of grants, £3,000 was awarded to three projects in Beverley. Beverley Manor Nursery was given £1,500. This will be used to fund their food pantry.

East Yorkshire Hygiene Bank received £1,000. Money from this donation will be used to help those in need of hygiene products. 

While in order to support the mental health and well-being of its students, Woodmansey Primary School received a grant of £500. 

East Yorkshire Hygiene Picked Up A Cheque From Local Tesco Store In Beverley

East Yorkshire Hygiene Bank founder Jackie Heffer said;

“The hygiene bank works in partnership with our local food bank and also the community pantry in the East Riding.”

“Many families have had to go without toiletries in order to buy food and this can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and well-being.”

“With the current cost of living crisis, our support is more important than ever as it is a very stressful time for so many people.”

“We are also supported by collections held in Boots and Boyes, in addition to our own fundraisers.”

Tesco Community Champion David Ryley is urging more groups to come forward so they can access the funds.

He said;

“Our community Grant Scheme is currently looking for more projects to support. We will accept applications from food banks, holiday clubs, sports clubs and many more.”

“Anyone who has a project should certainly get in touch or by emailing”

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