National Moment of Reflection Event To Be Held In Beverley

National Moment of Reflection Event Top Be Held In Beverley
National Moment of Reflection Event To Be Held In Beverley

A National Moment of Reflection to mark the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II will be held in Beverley on Sunday 18 September at 12 noon. Residents are invited to attend and pay their respects.

As announced, the country will observe a national silence at 8pm that evening in honour of Her Majesty, at which time a minute’s silence will be held.  It precedes the State Funeral, which will be held the following day.

Cllr Linda Johnson, Mayor of Beverley, and Rev Becky Lumley, Vicar of St Mary’s Church, invite people to join them at Coronation Garden on Sunday 18th September at 7:45pm for this collective act of remembrance.

Cllr Johnson in a statement said;

“The sad passing of Her Majesty has affected many people in different ways.  The nation joining together in a moment of silent remembrance is an important occasion.” 

“We feel it is valuable to provide residents with the opportunity to join together and share in this as a community.”

National Moment of Reflection Can Be Marked At Home

Queen Elizabeth II served the country for 70 years and 214 days. Her passing has seen the country enter a period of mourning.  In honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, the public has been invited to take part in a National Moment of Reflection.

There are many ways to mark the silence: privately at home, with friends and family, on the doorstep with neighbours, or at vigils and local events.

In Beverley, a few words will be said by the mayor before Rev Lumley leads the moment of silence as the official start of the event. There will also be some appropriate music followed by a blessing at the end of this ceremony.

While anyone is welcome to attend, Coronation Garden is limited in capacity, so residents are being asked to arrive by 7:45pm.

Last Sunday an estimated 6,000 people attended the Proclamation of King Charles III in the town centre. 

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