Prizes For Enterprising Young People This Global Entrepreneurship Week

Prizes For Enterprising Young People This Global Entrepreneurship Week
Prizes For Enterprising Young People This Global Entrepreneurship Week

Hull City Council’s Youth Enterprise and Micro Business Team is delighted to once again be partnering with Hull Culture and Leisure, the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank and Engaging Education to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 2022.

Since it was founded 15 years ago, Global Entrepreneurship Week has celebrated and empowered entrepreneurs in every country and community – especially those who face barriers or have never considered starting a business.

Over 180 countries participate each November, with tens of thousands of activities, competitions, and events inspiring people to take action and providing them with the knowledge, experience, and connections they need to succeed.

Besides the Annual Youth Enterprise Awards Celebration, Hull is running seven major activities this year. View the full programme below.

Monday 14 November – Make £5 Blossom

This event will be launched by the Lord Mayor of Hull, Councillor Christine Randall at the Guildhall, where 13 businesses will loan 13 schools £150 each, so they can develop activities to make their investment grow, using the Big 13 Enterprise Skills to achieve it. A percentage of the profits raised by the pupils will be donated to Joy for Joel, a charity to support a young man with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Tuesday 15 November – Share your GEW memories

During GEW itself, the ‘Celebrating the Past, investing In the Future’ day will see a panel of judges select the best tweet featuring a photo or a video that shows the spirit of Global Entrepreneurship Week. 

In order to be considered, the tweet needs to tag in @HullsEnterprise and use the Hashtags #GEWHull #GEW2022 #GEWMemories. 

The best entries will be awarded the following prizes:

Best Social Media Post from a Student – £75.00
Best Social Media Post from a School – £200 for them to spend on enterprising activity in the school.
Best Social Media Post from a business or organisation – £200 for them to donate to a school of their choice so that school can develop enterprising activity.
Wednesday 16 November – Be Inspired Day

This is our day of celebration where we will be judging the Adam Corbally Enterprise Challenge. The challenge sees 16- to 29-year-olds try to win up to £1,000 for their business, as well as getting Adam Corbally as a mentor for a year. Adam is a former contestant of BBC’s The Apprentice and is patron of Hull’s Making Changes for Careers Programme. All entrants must do is produce a 2-minute video about their business idea. The winner will be announced during the Celebration Event on Friday 18 November. 

Thursday 17 November – The Craven Park Challenge

This challenge tasks schoolchildren to take part in a scenario where they must compete for the contract of delivering a fantastic event at HKR’s Craven Park Stadium. They must come up with a concept for an event and show why they think it will be something that people will want to be part of.

This challenge is open for primary and secondary schools in Hull, East Riding and Ryedale and pupils can work individually or in small teams.

There is a prize of £250 up for grabs. To be in with a chance of winning, please email with a two-page report on what your students have done, or their pitch and a selection of photos, by Friday 25 November 2022.

Visit to download the resources for the Craven Park Challenge.

Also on Thursday – the Big 13 Enterprise Skills Summit

At this event, invited business and education leaders will hear how Hull uses the Big 13 Enterprise Skills. There will be presentations from pupils from Ganton School, Gillshill Primary School and enterprising young people from MC4C programme. The summit will also hear from teachers, tutors and businesses they work with who champion the Big 13 Enterprise Skills.

The summit will be launched by Emma Hardy MP, joined by Adam Corbally and BBC Finance Adviser Iona Baine.

Friday 18 November – Primary Enterprise Day

At this event, the students of Hull primary schools that took part in the Craven Park Challenge will pitch their ideas to Hull’s Youth Enterprise Ambassadors Georgia Wormald, Sammy Gibson, James Danville and the Lord Mayor of Hull Cllr Christine Randall, with the aid of Adam Corbally and the team from Engaging Education.

Also on Friday – the awards evening

We will be announcing the winners of the Hull and East Riding Youth Enterprise Awards 2022. This year’s awards are sponsored by the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank, Engaging Education, Hull Culture and Leisure and Hull City Council. The awards ceremony will be held at The Guildhall with Adam Corbally, where you could win some interesting prizes while giving Hull a chance to recognise some great winners. 

The funds raised at the Awards will be donated to Action for Ashley a charity to support a young man with Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. 

Councillor Paul Drake-Davis, the portfolio holder for Economic Development and Regeneration at Hull City Council said: “The fifteenth Global Entrepreneurship Week is all about how small ideas can take root and become viable business plans, with the potential to grow into sustainable companies. Hull City Council hopes to set an aspirational agenda for today’s young people in the city to set up their own businesses, start social enterprises and cooperatives, improve their communities and/or become enterprising students or employees.

“The council and its partners are delighted yet again to be part of Global Entrepreneurship Week under the theme of supporting young people whilst establishing effective partnerships. We are very pleased to be to have become #BeAChampion of GEN UK for a second time who run the campaign at a national level, as well as still supporting enterprising young people at a local level.”

You can visit for more details about these competitions and everything else GEW 2022.

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