Valerie Prentice – Two Hands, One Body, Ten Fingers


Valerie Prentice had told me that the issues faced by a masseuse were women being afraid of getting semi-naked in front of her and men are afraid of becoming aroused.  Whilst this comment brought on loud guffaws from everyone in the room at the time, Valerie, who never minces her words, was keen to point out that the only part of the body exposed during the massage is the part she is working on and that men just shouldn’t be embarrassed.  I can assure you of Valerie’s professionalism and respect and reverence of the body.  These issues should not stand in the way of this experience.

The Valerie Prentice I know is a 100-mph Australian fire-cracker.  She is a larger than life character with bags of energy, positive attitude and possibly laughs and gesticulates more than any other human being I’ve met.  When she offered me a massage like no other, I had no idea what to expect… how was she going to keep quiet for 90-minutes, and as I imagined her using her knuckles, elbows and possibly even standing on me, how much was this going to hurt?

When I arrived, slightly flustered and freezing cold, a relaxed and motherly Valerie greeted me and showed me into her warm, dimly lit treatment room.  I completed a treatment questionnaire and got on the table.  She explained that when the massage was complete, she would cover me in hot towels, chime three times and then leave the room for me to come round and get dressed again.  Knowing nothing about Hawaiian Kahuna massage and being a bit of a wimp I asked for a gentle massage and she said I was to tell her if there was any discomfort.  I was to listen to the Aborigine telephone music and imagine myself riding on the crest of a wave.  With the mention of a wave, my perception changed and my experience began.

When Valerie started brushing and rolling it wasn’t what I had expected at all.  Her hands, forearms and inner elbow flow over the body in constant movement which literally feels like waves rolling over the muscles.  I felt deeply relaxed and cosily warm within the first couple of minutes and started drifting off to Kahuna Beach where I lay on my surf-board drifting away from the shore with the sun shining and the waves lapping around me.

Even though they felt lovely, I almost felt disappointed when the hot towels came out as I thought this was the end and although I knew I was going for a full-body massage I just thought I must have misunderstood but after a rub down which left my skin tingling with delight, I was moved onto my back and thrilled to find I was only 45-minutes into the massage.  I imagined next that I would be spending the evening on Kahuna Beach, after a day’s solid surfing with a grass skirt, flower chain, hula dancing and cocktails.

Literally every part of the body gets attention, even the ears but she finishes off with the face and scalp at which point I felt completely weightless and free.  I’m sure everyone’s experience is different but I actually felt like I was floating above the bed – unbelievable!

I floated home and after that day, my whole self felt really supple and light with every muscle aligned and my mind refreshed – three days later and I still feel the same.

Valerie is currently promoting vouchers for Christmas.  If you have someone in your life that has everything, is awkward to buy for or, you think they could do with a treat, make an appointment with Valerie Prentice from Cultural Bodywork – she actually does a massage like no other.  Plus is you purchase a voucher for a traditional 90 minute treatment before 17th December you will also receive a free East Yorkshire made, soya wax candle which is Christmas scented with pure essential oils.

Please visit for more information about her massage and see her interview on our local Internet TV station about her own business.  Type “Kahuna” in the search box.and you can contact her on 07932 216205. Valerie Prentice – two hands, one body, ten fingers

By Jess Clark

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