East Yorkshire Festive Bus Services Summary

The full schedules for our festive buses are now available on the EYMS website, simply go to the Festive Buses page, or see below.

If you’re planning on travelling over Christmas and New Year you should check this information to make sure your bus will be running.

EYMS also have the holiday opening times of BusCall, their Travel Centres, East Yorkshire Coaches booking line and EYMS Head Office.

  • Thursday 23 December and before: normal services.
  • Christmas Eve: normal services, but buses will finish about 8pm.
  • Christmas Day: no bus services.
  • Boxing Day:  no buses except for some special services in Hull on routes 34C, 56 and 64C.
  • Monday 27 December: Sunday services will run on all routes.
  • Tuesday 28 December: Sunday services will run on all routes.
  • Wednesday 29 December: Saturday services will run on most routes, with some exceptions.
  • Thursday 30 December: Saturday services will run on most routes, with some exceptions.
  • New Year’s Eve: Saturday services will run on most routes, with some exceptions. Buses will finish at about 8pm
  • New Year’s Day: no buses will run except for special services in Hull on routes 34C, 56 and 64C.
  • Sunday 2 January: Sunday services will run on all routes.
  • Monday 3 January: Sunday services will run on all routes.
  • Tuesday 4 January and onwards: buses are back to normal.

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